umaruddin wrote:Now... not only avar... where is every body else hiding?
By the way... while checking my blogs hits rate.. I noticed that there are some hits from Hong Kong and the hits are originated from this Portal... that means ....
1) this portal is having someone in Hong Kong..
2) this some one is following with my blog..
wish to know that some one...
Salam Umaruddin, maybe your guess is right, everyone is hiding, including me. Err.. I'm not actually hiding, but I'm still 'watching' the progress of this forum. I've set my Firefox's bookmark to remember the portal of this forum. From there, I can see the progress, whether there is a new post or not and etc.
As informed earlier, I realized this forum is not 'growing' as it should be. The rest of the members are not really participate, and I'm sorry... I'm not want to dissappoint anyone, but this is the reality. I do not know why, I've tried a few ways to attract everyone's attention but seems like I failed.
Regarding to someone from Hong Kong, the person is.... me. I'm not sufing from Hong Kong but there is a settings in Firefox which I've touched, to make it looks like I'm from there.
There is a reason why I'm doing it. Something to do with download issue.
Now, you already know my 'secret recipe'. Heheheheh...
umaruddin wrote:ok .. just to get the ball rolling.. why not we use this platform to discuss the current price hike of our feul.. petrol and diesel...
If Possible throw in some ideas to overcome this crisis
I believed all of us can feel the impact of this issue. This is it, wether we want it or not, we've to live with it. Situation has changed, we're not living in 1990s where the petrol's price was only RM1.00 per litre, if I'm not mistaken.
We've to change the way we live. Maybe earlier, we can afford to watch movies twice a month with family. Now maybe we can reduce that to once per month. This is just an example, there are many other ways we can react, to overcome this issue.
Hmm... I've given mine, how about the others? As usual, happy forumming.